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Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls

Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls

Dough Ingredients:

•120 g of sourdough starter

•125 g of warm water

•1 stick (1/2 cup) of melted butter

•175 g of honey

•2 large eggs

•550 g of bread flour

Add in the following morning

•6 g of baking soda

•6 g of baking powder

•3 g of salt

Filling Ingredients:

•1 stick (1/2 cup) of softened butter

•200 g of brown sugar

•4 TBSP of cinnamon

•1/2 cup (or so) heavy cream

Cream Cheese Filling:

•1 stick (1/2 cup) of softened butter

•1 packet of softened cream cheese

•1 lb- 1.5 lbs of powdered sugar

•1-2 tea of vanilla

•1/2 tea of salt

(Taste filling while making and see if frosting needs a little extra salt/vanilla/or sugar)


•Add sourdough starter and water to a stand mixer bowl or a large bowl until sourdough is translouscent (if you have some chunks it’s ok- just mostly mixed together).

•Then add in your melted butter, honey, eggs, and bread flour- mix that in the stand mixer with the dough hook attachment for 5 mins. The dough should look a little clumpy, but the flour should be incorporated.

•Cover dough in mixer bowl with plastic wrap and keep in the fridge overnight.

The next morning:

•Pull the dough out of the fridge and let it get to room temp (will take about an hour or so).

•Then add your baking soda, baking powder, and salt to dough.

•Then mix of medium speed with the dough attachment for 5 mins.

•Preheat your oven at 375 degrees

Filling Instructions:

•While dough is being mixed combine all filling ingredients.

•Set aside

Once dough has been mixed for 5 mins

•Bring dough out to countertop- kneed dough into a ball and begin shaping into a rectangle shape.

•Once dough is shaped place filling on top and roll the dough into the roll shape (refer to video)

•Then use a scraper to measure how big you want your rolls and cut them (I did 1.5 inch rolls).

•Then pour your heavy cream over your rolls, be careful not to be too heavy handed but make sure it coats the bottom of your pan of rolls.

•Place tinfoil over your rolls and put into the oven for 30-40 mins- this really depends on your oven, and the amount of heavy cream you put on your rolls- just keep eye on it. Once I see that my middle rooms have risen and have a light coloring I know they are ready for me to take the tinfoil off.

•Remove tinfoil after 30-20 mins- then finishing baking without tinfoil for 10-15 mins.

Frosting Instructions:

•Cream together butter and cream cheese (if your butter and cream cheese aren’t at room temperature yet- just pop them in the microwave for 10-20 seconds together to soften- it’s ok if they get a little melted just don’t burn).

•Then add the rest of your filling ingredients and cream together.

•Be sure to taste test to see if you need a little more salt/vanilla/or sugar

Once rolls have cooked

•Pull the rolls out- let them cool for 5-10 mins and add the frosting to the top.

•Then let them cool for another 20 mins and enjoy 🙂

Sourdough Cinnamon Roll Tutorial

xoxo, Kristina
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