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How to Determine Your Body Shape

measuring tape

Hey there!

This is blog launch week!! I’ve been focusing on sharing all the basic’s so we can get into the fun seasonal and everyday styles for your shapes. In this post we’re talking about all the in’s and out’s of determining your body shape. On my social media channels I’ve shared how to determine your body shape in two ways. I’ll link those ways HERE and HERE. I’m a very visual person so some things are easier for me to share through a video vs. a blog post. I want to keep this as easy to understand as possible because shape styling is simple! It will make your shopping and styling experiences SO much easier and save you time and money.

Body Shape Measuring Basic’s

Most women are in-between two shapes, more are almost exact proportions to their shape, and rarely (but it does happen) some women are in-between 3. If you are in between 3, it’s typically because your body tends to appear more like one shape, but it’s measuring close to two different shapes. One way you can determine your shape without measuring anything is knowing how your body carries it’s weight.

If you cary your weight more in your upper body, you could be an inverted triangle. If you carry your weight in your midsection, you could be a circle shape. If you carry your weight in your hips, you could be a triangle. When you gain weight if it is evenly distributed you could be an hourglass or rectangle. Truthfully there are no two women exactly alike. I find that beautiful but also the challenge in doing “general styling.” Everything I share on my social media’s and blog are general styling tips and tricks.

I know they are so helpful but truly 1:1 services is where we get down to everything for YOU. I love to be able to get to know you guys 1:1 it helps me serve this community better, but I love to style YOU. I offer two services that help you get the basics tailored to you #1 is a general styling guide linked HERE. You fill out a style questionnaire and I shoot you over a personalized style guide via email. #2 is a 90 min personalized styling profile, we spend 90 mins via zoom determining your shape, finding YOUR best styles, from stores/to color/to accessories, you can book that session HERE.

triangle featured

How to Measure and Determine your Body Shape

  1. HERE is a video for how to do a “rough draft” measurement for your shape without measuring. I just used my kids BIG crayola paper, taped it to the wall, and had my husband put dots by my shoulders, bust, waist, and hips. After seeing where the dots lined up I was able to see I have more of an hourglass appearance.
  2. When it comes to measuring, all you need is a fabric measuring tape (I got this one from amazon). But you’ll want to measure the widest part on your shoulder, bust, and hips. Then the smallest part of your wait. All of those measurements together will show you how your measurements relate to one another. My waist is about 10″ compared to my shoulders and hips (which is NOT quite an hourglass) so that makes my shape an hourglass/rectangle. So, I style myself from both! 🙂

Measurements for Each Shape

Hourglass: The largest measurements are the shoulders and hips with the waist being 12-14 inches smaller than the waist.

Triangle: The largest measurement is the hips

Circle: The largest measurement is the waist

Rectangle: All measurements are within 2-6 inches of each other

Inverted Triangle: The largest measurement is the shoulders

As you can see if doesn’t matter what your exact measurements are, it’s all how in measures in proportion to your body. I hope this helps as you are figuring out your body shape 🙂


xoxo, Kristina
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